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A handshake is the most approprite greeting, and the most common verbal greetings are, Moien (Morning), Gudden Owend (Good evening), and Wéi geet et? (How are you?) Most people in Luxembourg understand German and French.  Common partings are saying Äddi ( a casual good-bye) or more formal Au revoir.  Also younger people use Salut or Ciao for a quick good-bye.  Proper behavior is expected in public, chewing gum while talking is considered impolite, nor should you shout, yawn or use offensive language.  People try to dress well in public and tattered clothing is consided inappropriate--casual clothing is worn at home and while doing recreational activities.


Facts to Know


Some interesting facts that you should know before going to Luxembourg are as follows: that Luxembourg is lead by a grand duke, It once took up parts of Belgium, Germany, and France, most Luxembourgers are Roman Catholic, and Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage in Europe.

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